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Meditation 101, a guide to easy mediation.


Basic, Beginner’s Guide to Mediation

There are many proven reasons and benefits to having a mediation practice, such as:

· A significant reduction of stress in your life

· Get in touch with and come to know your Higher Self

· A greater sense of calm and peacefulness

· More clarity of thought, feelings and emotions

· Greater self-confidence and improved self esteem

· A sense of physical, mental & emotional wellbeing

· Better sleep, ease of drifting off to sleep

· Increased physical energy

· Increased motivation

· Spiritual Awareness

· Improvements in general health

· Assist in the treatment of illness and disease

The following is a very basic, beginner’s guide to mediation that will help you accomplish so much and put you on your journey to a lifetime of mediation. Relax and enjoy your journey!

1. Intend to meditate today! Success begins with intention.

2. Schedule 3-10 minutes of meditation time into your day. Knowing in advance when you can meditate and setting your intention to meditate, will help you ensure that you will follow through with the practice. First thing in the morning, before you do anything else, is best. Not only are you more likely to meditate, but it’s a wonderful way to begin your day.

3. You will read or hear, that you “should” have a special, dedicated place for meditation, which is great if you can, but certainly not necessary to a successful meditation practice. You may want to place a few a meaningful items in the location you choose, such as a candle, stones, crystals, any Spiritual or religious pieces you have, etc. HOWEVER, don’t let this intimidate you or stop you from beginning your mediation practice. I have known people who mediate in their car before driving to work because their household is so busy in the morning. Just choose a spot where you can dedicate time to yourself where you will be free of distractions.

4. Contrary to belief, you do NOT need to sit in a Lotus position! You may sit as you wish on the floor, in a chair, on the side of the bed, etc. The important thing is that you sit with your spine straight and in a position that allows you to relax your shoulders. (In other mediation practices, you may one day choose the position of laying on your back, but it’s easy to fall asleep, so for now, please meditate in a seated position.)

5. If you’d like, set an alarm for the time you are allowing for your mediation. 10 minutes is a great beginning point.

6. From your seated position, place your hands, palms up in your lap or on your thighs and softly close your eyes. Take a breath in through your nose, count to 4, hold for 4 and exhale, through your mouth for a count of 8. While inhaling, pressing your tongue up on the roof of your mouth, will help you focus on a deep inhale. Breathing deeper with each inhale, feel your breath coming in through your nose, filling up your diaphragm (this is below your ribcage, you should feel your stomach expand, not your lungs) and imagine the breath filling your entire body, through your torso, down your arms, your legs to your feet. With each exhale, through your mouth, push all your air out, imagine your breath coming up from your feet, through your legs, up through your body, up out of your fingertips, your arms and releasing. Repeat this 4 times or until you feel your body relax and your mind release.

7. Return to normal breathing as you focus on your breath.

8. Relax and release tension in your body. Roll your shoulders back, relax your buttocks and any other area you feel tension in, while keeping your spine straight.

9. Ground yourself by feeling the placement of your feet and your sit-bones on the floor or in your seat. Imagine a cord descending from your tailbone into the earth to anchor you. Imagine another cord ascending from the crown of your head to a star to anchor you. Imagine yourself floating between these two points and simply breathe.

10. Witness your breath being pulled into your body, circulated, and exhaled. Continue to focus on your breath. When a thought pops into your head, acknowledge its presence, place it in an imaginary bubble and blow it out with an exhale.

11. Continue breathing, focusing on your breath, until you feel it’s time to close your meditation or your pre-set alarm signals the end. Don’t struggle to stay in meditation beyond your comfort zone.

12. When you are ready to close your meditation, focus on 2-3 breaths, consciously feel your sit-bones against your seat, withdraw the imaginary cords you had placed into the earth and to a star above your crown and pull the cords back into your body. Wiggle your toes and your fingers, roll your shoulders and your neck. Slowly flutter your eyes to open.

13. I highly suggest that you keep a mediation journal. At the close of the mediation, take even just a few minutes to write down anything about your mediation experience. Don’t worry about neatness, punctuation, grammar, spelling, just write down what you experienced, what you felt, etc. and how you feel at the conclusion of your practice.

Meditation is a natural tonic to quiet the mind and contribute to good physical and emotional well-being. Consistency is the key to meditation be it 3 minutes or more daily.


Guided Meditation: As you deepen your practice, you may wish to use guided mediations, via apps or other sources, which there are so many available, even at no charge. You may decide you like to have soft instrumental music or sounds of nature tracks playing quieting in the background.

Hands in Prayer Position: Holding your hands, palms together, in a prayer position in the middle of your chest, at your heart level will help focus your breath and help you connect deeper into your meditation. If your arms become tired, return them to your lap or thighs, palms facing upward.

Light a Candle: If you find it difficult to stay seated with your eyes closed or stay focused on your breath, light a candle (preferably a candle in a jar for safety purposes) and gaze at the flame during your mediation practice or until you feel like you want to close your eyes.

Meditate Outdoors: Get fresh air while meditating to help ground you to earth elements. Sit near an open window, on the balcony, the deck or in your yard. While out on excursions or holiday, meditate anywhere you want in nature! Fresh air/outdoor mediation serves you in so many ways such as improving your air intake, provides you with essential Vitamin D, helps to deepen your senses, deepens your mediation experience and leaves you feeling blissful.

Don’t struggle with Imagining: There are many people who do not have the ability to imagine. No worry at all. First, this is perfectly normal! Please do not judge yourself or feel that you can’t meditate without imagining the cords being placed in the earth or a star or that you can’t imagine your breath moving through your body. For you, when you are seated, just feel the chair beneath you, feel your feet on the floor, feel your spine straighten and your head fully upright. Simply feeling the placement of your relaxed body will help you move into a meditative state. Be gentle on yourself. The meditation experience is different for everyone.

Your mediation practice belongs to you. It is for your devotion time to yourself and does not need to look, sound or feel like anything other than what feels just right for you.

Enjoy your journey of your meditation practices!

Learning to meditate is a gift to yourself that lasts a lifetime!

With Much Love and Gratitude,


P.S. For your Free Pocket Mediation Reference Guide, please subscribe to my email or if you're already subscribed, send me an email to request the guide.



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